Turza production

Movie Production

  • We cover the entire film production, from creative design processes through the synopsis, the script itself to directing, dramaturgy and production of films.
  • We can prepare feature film, documentary, series, product TV spot, music video or film poll focused on your company and your products.
  • We can even prepare and implement "a film about the movie" on customer's request.
  • Our service is also Video Creation and documentation of our events, marketing and implementing solutions on client's request.
  • Our portfolio of course also features casting services. If necessary, we have a large database of known and less-known but professionally skilled actors.
  • All tasks associated with selecting a cast of actors you can leave on us and only approve the final cast selection for series, movie or TV spot.
  • We can advise you the appropriate sitting, completion of the necessary formalities for filming and shooting complex organization, as well as subsequent post production.
  • In selected cases we will, provide a specific film international lobbying work.

TURZA Production s.r.o.

Gercenova 19


851 01

Slovak Republic

Phone: +421 917 876 631
